Unlike the busyness of the centrally located Regent Street store of Burberry, its Thomas’s Café is nonpareil as a soothing and calm sanctuary for any time of the day.

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Qompendium Editorial

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Thomas’s Café

5 Vigo St
London W1S 3HA
+44 20 3159 1410
Piccadilly Circus


Named after the founder Thomas Burberry, the inventor of Gabardine, the café provides that “member’s club exclusively” pleasure to shoppers, passers-by, crazy rich Asians and shop owners of the Savile Row. Close to its heritage the interior of the space reminds of rustic British country minimalism with eye-catching opulent flora phenomenally arranged en Vogue.

The menu is an all-day classic British table championing all the extras: from Oakchurch strawberries and creme with shortbread to Brixham crab cakes, Bembridge lobster benedict and truffle crisps among other delights.

The question would be where to spend more? At the café or in the Burberry store?
Why not look at their sample menu?
Thomas’s menu

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